Skin Food (Special Skin Care)
Black Raspberry Series (Asian Medicinal (TCM))
Black Raspberry Toner
(Retail:$41.9, Our Price:$31.4)
This herbal medicinal toner contains black raspberry extract, and jayangboeumdan (滋養補陰丹) and cheongyeondan (淸連丹) extracted from 12 kinds of oriental medicinal herbs that have traditionally been used by women to treat rough, dry skin.
It provides deep moisturization to skin.
After washing, apply desired amount onto face and press gently to absorb.
使用方法 清洁皮肤后,取适量用手指顺着面部皮肤纹理方向指压,使肌肤充分吸收营养。
Black Raspberry Emulsion
(Retail:$41.9, Our Price:$31.4)
This herbal medicinal emulsion contains black raspberry extract, and jayangboeumdan (滋養補陰丹) and cheongyeondan (淸連丹) extracted from 12 kinds of oriental medicinal herbs that have traditionally been used by women to treat rough, dry skin. It provides deep moisturization to skin.
After serum, apply desired amount onto face and press gently to absorb.
使用方法 涂完乳液后,取适量顺着面部皮肤纹理方向涂抹后指压按摩,使肌肤充分吸收营养。
Black Raspberry Su (水: water) Serum
(Retail:$44.9, Our Price:$33.7)
This moisturizing herbal medicinal serum contains black raspberry extract, jayangboeumdan (滋養補陰丹) and cheongyeondan (淸連丹) extracted from 12 kinds of oriental medicinal herbs, and a variety of moisturizing agents, to provide deep moisturization to skin with a refreshing texture.
After toner, apply desired amount and press gently to absorb.
富含肌肤养气补血功能的覆盆子提取物和十二种韩方药材中提取的滋阳补阴丹、清毒养颜丹以及各种保湿因子, 焕发肌肤水润感的清爽使用感的韩方保湿营养乳。
使用方法 使用收敛水后,取适量顺着面部皮肤纹理方向涂抹后,用手指指压按摩,使肌肤充分吸收营养。
Black Raspberry Yeongyang (營養: nutrient) Serum
(Retail:$44.9, Our Price:$33.7)
This moist, high-nutrient herbal medicinal serum contains revitalizing black raspberry extract, and jayangboeumdan (滋養補陰丹) and cheongyeondan (淸連丹) extracted from 12 kinds of oriental medicinal herbs, to provide nutrition and deep moisturization to skin.
After toner, apply desired amount and press gently to absorb.
使用方法 使用收敛水后,取适量顺着面部皮肤纹理方向涂抹后,用手指指压按摩,使肌肤充分吸收营养。
Black Raspberry Senggi (生氣: revitalization) Ampoule
(Retail:$58.5, Our Price:$43.9)
This high-nutrient concentrated ampoule contains revitalizing black raspberry extract, jayangboeumdan (滋養補陰丹) and cheongyeondan (淸連丹) extracted from 12 kinds of oriental medicinal herbs, and a variety of moisturizing agents, to provide deep moisturization to skin.
After toner (or eye cream), apply desired amount and press gently to absorb.
使用方法 使用化妆水后(如使用眼霜,先涂抹眼霜后使用),取适量顺着皮肤纹理方向涂抹,手指指压方法使其充分吸收。
Black Raspberry Su (水: water) Cream
(Retail:$44.9, Our Price:$33.7)
This non-sticky herbal medicinal cream contains black raspberry extract, jayangboeumdan (滋養補陰丹) and cheongyeondan (淸連丹) extracted from 12 kinds of oriental medicinal herbs, and a variety of moisturizing agents, to provide nutrition and deep moisturization to skin with a refreshing texture.
After emulsion, apply desired amount and press gently to absorb.
富含肌肤养气补血功能的覆盆子提取物和十二种韩方药材中提取的滋阳补阴丹和清毒养颜丹成份,使暗淡无光泽的肌肤焕发白里透红的晶莹剔透, 给干燥失去弹性的女性肌肤补充充分的保湿锁水,焕发肌肤青春的清爽柔和的韩方高效营养霜。
使用方法 使用乳液后,取适量顺着皮肤纹理方向涂抹,手指指压方法使其充分吸收。
Black Raspberry Yeongyang (營養: nutrient) Cream
(Retail:$44.9, Our Price:$33.7)
This lightweight, high-nutrient herbal medicinal cream contains revitalizing black raspberry extract, and jayangboeumdan (滋養補陰丹) and cheongyeondan (淸連丹) extracted from 12 kinds of oriental medicinal herbs, to make skin lustrous, improve complexion, and provide deep moisturization and resilience to skin.
After emulsion, apply desired amount and press gently to absorb.
富含肌肤养气补血功能的覆盆子提取物和十二种韩方药材中提取的滋阳补阴丹、 清毒养颜丹以及多种保湿因子,给肌肤提供充分的营养和水份,无粘黏感的清新韩方保湿霜。
使用方法 使用乳液后,取适量顺着皮肤纹理方向涂抹,手指指压方法使其充分吸收。
Black Raspberry Eye Cream (Anti-Wrinkle)
(Retail:$65, Our Price:$48.75)
This herbal medicinal anti-wrinkle eye cream contains black raspberry extract, and jayangboeumdan (滋養補陰丹) and cheongyeondan (淸連丹) extracted from 12 kinds of oriental medicinal herbs that have traditionally been used by women to treat rough, dry skin.
It provides deep moisturization to skin in eye areas. Anti-wrinkle adenosine adds resilience to skin, keeping it healthy-looking.
After toner, apply desired amount and press gently to absorb.
富含采用自古以来经常用以改善女人粗糙和干燥皮肤的覆盆子提取物和十二种韩方药材中提取的滋阳补阴丹和清毒养颜丹,滋润营养渗透到肌肤深层,并富含改善皱纹功效的腺苷酸因子, 紧致眼部周围肌肤并改善眼部细纹的祛除皱纹功效的眼霜。
使用方法 使用化妆水后用手指轻弹眼部周围,使肌肤充分吸收营养。
Black Raspberry Senggi (生氣: revitalization) Pack
(Retail:$51, Our Price:$38.25)
This nutrient mask pack contains revitalizing black raspberry extract, jayangboeumdan (滋養補陰丹) and cheongyeondan (淸連丹) extracted from 12 kinds of oriental medicinal herbs, and a variety of moisturizing agents, to provide deep moisturization to skin.
After washing, apply desired amount onto face, avoiding eye and mouth areas. Wait 5 minutes, and then wash off with warm water.
Black Raspberry Saeng-Gi Essence Mask Sheet
(Retail:$8, Our Price:$5.6)
This oriental medicinal nutrient essence mask sheet contains black raspberry extract, jayangboeumdan (滋養補陰丹) and cheongyeondan (淸連丹) extracted from 12 kinds of oriental medicinal herbs, hyaluronic acids and beta-glucans.
It provides prolonged moisturization to skin, making it resilient.
After washing, apply mask gently onto face, wait 10 to 15 minutes, and then peel off.
Massage remaining residue into face to absorb.
Black Raspberry Revitalizing Essence Mask Sheet
(Retail:$8, Our Price:$5.6)
This oriental medicinal nutrient essence mask sheet contains black raspberry extract, jayangboeumdan (滋養補陰丹) and cheongyeondan (淸連丹) extracted from 12 kinds of oriental medicinal herbs, hyaluronic acids and beta-glucans.
It provides prolonged moisturization to skin, making it resilient.
After washing, apply mask gently onto face, wait 10 to 15 minutes, and then peel off.
Massage remaining residue into face to absorb.
使用方法 洗脸后取出面膜轻轻贴在脸上,过10~15分钟后揭开。有多余的残留物可以进行按摩,使其被皮肤吸收。
Saturday, February 6, 2010
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